Product Configuration

If your question is not answered, please write us at and we will help you out!

Reorder a product variant's media?

Press down on the media item that you want to move for at least 3 seconds. While holding down on the media item, move it into the desired location. Release your mouse or finger for changes to take effect.

Bulk remove media from multiple variants?

Select the variant(s) you'd like to remove media (images/videos/models) from. Then, click on the Garbage bin icon button located on the top right. Finally, Confirm the removal in the dialog presented.

Configure a product with one or no variants?

If you installed the app on your theme prior to July 13, 2020, you will have to reinstall the app on your theme. To learn how to do this, visit the first step in the Getting Started guide, and then click on the Reinstalling on a theme tab.

If you installed the app after July 13, 2020, you will automatically have support for adding images, videos, and/or models to a product with only one variant.

Configuring a product with only one variant is exactly the same workflow as configuring a product with more than one variant. All product media you want to showcase for the product need to be added to the variant titled Default Title.

What happens when I don't select any images, videos, and/or models for a particular product variant?

By default, if a variant has no images, videos, and/or models, all product media will be displayed for that variant.

In the above screenshot, a Dark Blue / Small Jumpsuit will show all of the product's media as shown below. You can find all of the product's media by visiting its Product details page.

Disable a particular product?

Open All products found in the Shopify Admin panel and select the product you'd like to disable Variant Image Wizard. Then, click on More actions, followed by Edit Variant Images. Finally, toggle the Variant Images switch located on the top right to disabled.

Where are my images, videos, and/or models uploaded to?

Your images are uploaded to your Product's media. You can view them in your Product's detail page.

Do you support media other than images?

Yes! We also support videos (including YouTube) and models.

If you installed the app on your theme prior to August 19, 2020, you will have to reinstall the app on your theme to enable videos and models. To learn how to do this, visit the first step in the Getting Started guide, and then click on the Reinstalling on a theme tab.

If you installed the app after August 19, 2020, you will automatically have support videos and models.

Are there any limitations to this app?

Currently, we do not support adding images, videos, and/or models to a particular product if your product media is in excess of 250 items. If you are running against this constraint, please write us at letting use know — we will work with you to resolve this issue.

How do I crop an image?

Open up the Product's detail page of the product that contains the image that you want to crop. Open up that image and then follow this cropping guide.

How do I change an image, video or model's alt text (description)?

Why can't I upload media using the Shopify Mobile App?

The Shopify Mobile App currently does not support the ability to open the system's file dialog for apps. Please use your device's browser, or your desktop. You'll be able to upload files there!

Last updated